

Difference Between Interlaced Image and non-Interlaced Image

 IO Developer IO Developer
21/06/20232 min read
The contrast between Interlaced Image and non-Interlaced Image is in the way it loads the data and displays the image.

Both non-interlaced image and interlaced image function almost the same way as each other. The constrast between the non-interlaced and the interlaced is the way the image loads its data, which is beneficial for viewing large images, especially over a slow internet connection.

Choosing which encoding method depends on the purpose of use, one needs to understand the different between non-interlaced image and interlaced image to decide which appropriate encoding method to use.

What is non-Interlaced Image?

Non-interlaced image loads data and displays the image from left to right, from top to bottom. Given a large image or a slow internet connection, the image will be empty at first until a portion of data is loaded and the image displays slowly from top to bottom.

This effect has significant impact on the case of web browsers displaying large images or being over a slow connection.

For images loaded from the local storage, it is difficult to recognize due to fast loading and rendering speed.

What is Interlaced Image?

Interlaced image loads and displays the image "line by line". At first, the image will display as a whole but highly blurry image, the more the data is loaded, the clearer the image appears. Until all of the data is fully loaded, the full version of the image will be displayed.

In this way, viewers will have a general idea of the image and then see a full version later.

Difference between Interlaced Image and non-Interlaced Image

The difference between interlaced image and non-interlaced image is not in the storage size or image quality, but in the way it is encoded and displayed.

Non-interlaced image does not fully loaded at the beginning, it does not cause misleading to viewers that the image is fully displayed or not, but it makes viewers feel like the data is loading too slowly.

Interlaced image provides general idea or information to viewers, but it's easy to mislead as this is the final result, making viewers difficult to distinguish whether this is a blurred image or an image that has not yet fully loaded.

With two different approaches, non-interlaced images are suitable for storing and viewing images on a local machine. Interlaced images are more prone to be used on the internet.

How to save images as Interlaced Image or non-Interlaced Image?

Programs that view, process, and convert images will usually have the option to store interlaced image or non-interlaced image encoded images. If the software does not have this option, it usually uses encoding method of original image or default is non-interlaced image.

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